Thursday, 8 April 2010

Scrapbooks for the Horswill and Hills Families

Some of you - well, my family ....duh - may know about a huge project called the Horswill and Hills Families Photo Archive Project. You can see the site HERE.

It has basically one aim and that is to get HIGH RESOLUTION family photos out there for the family to share. Online sharing is a wonderful thing but in one or two generations no-one is going to be able to print family photos as the resolution gets continually squished by big servers like Facebook. If you want to know what I mean about resolution (or want to be able to explain it to someone else) see my article HERE.

As well as being able to access and download high res photos from Flickr we're going to make family scrapbooks. Yes, this is all a big excuse to make more scrapbooks. Digital, naturally, made using easy peasy My Memories Suite.

Now I just have to find a way to fit work in the day...

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